If you are not able to make an appointment either by submitting an AccurRx request or, if you do not have internet access, by phone at 8.00 AM, you will be able to try again at 1.00 pm by telephone only.

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The Data Protection Act 2018 became law on the 25 May 2018. It explicitly brought the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/EU679 into UK law as the “Applied GDPR”; we refer to these and other acts as “the data protection legislation”. A requirement of the data protection legislation is that we inform individuals about whom we hold data (data subjects) about our processing. A Privacy Notice is information given to ensure data subjects are aware of how their data is being used or shared.

What is this Privacy Notice about?

This privacy notice contains information about the sharing of Personal Information by North London Health and Care Partners using a system called the Health Information Exchange (HIE) and contains details of the following:

  • information we collect and hold about you;
  • the legal basis for collecting and holding the information;
  • what we do with it, how we keep it secure (confidential);
  • who we might share it with;
  • how long we will hold it for;
  • what your rights are in relation to your data.


Who we are

This privacy notice is issued by the North Central London Health and Care Partners. The partners who are signatories to a Data Sharing Agreement which demonstrates a robust foundation for the lawful, secure and confidential sharing of personal information between themselves.

obligations of confidentiality concerning the Personal Data.

  • complying with Data Protection Legislation;
  • encrypting Personal Data transmitted between partners;


What are your rights?

  • implementing and maintaining business continuity, disaster recovery and other relevant policies and procedures
  • you also have the right to opt out of sharing Personal Confidential Data via HIE (the right to object to processing).

Details of how to exercise your rights are given in this document.


How can I access the information you keep about me?

To access your Personal Data you should contact the appropriate partner (Appendix A).
Under the Data Protection Legislation, you have the right to:

If this data contains errors, you can exercise your right to correct this by contacting the partner’s Data Protection Officer.


How can I “opt-out” of data sharing via HIE?

We ask you to think carefully before making this decision as sharing your health and social care information will make it easier for services to provide the best treatment and care for you.

If you chose to opt-out, we may still need to share data for your care, but it will be using less immediate methods such as email. For example, with HIE, your GP can refer you to a hospital consultant who can then see all the data they may need, but if you are opted-out they can only see what the GP put on the email.
If you would like to speak to someone about your choice, you can call our enquiry line on 020 3688 1900.
You can opt-out of having your Personal Data shared via HIE by completing the
attached form and return it to us or by using the form on our website.


Before opting out, please ensure that you have read the Health Information Exchange Opt-Out leaflet carefully and understand what it means for you. If you choose to opt-out:

  • You may have to answer questions repeatedly because your full history may not be available to the care professional assessing you.
  • Decisions about your care may take longer, even in emergency situations, as history needs to be confirmed.
  • Some medical tests may get repeated unnecessarily e.g. if you had a blood test with your hospital consultant, your GP may not be able to see this.


Right to complain

You can get further advice or report a concern directly to:

  • a relevant partner (listed on Appendix A), or
  • the UK’s supervisory authority (Information Commissioner’s Office) by:

Post: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,Cheshire SK9 5AF

Telephone: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545745 (national rate)

Email: https://ico.org.uk/concerns/handling/