If you are not able to make an appointment either by submitting an AccurRx request or, if you do not have internet access, by phone at 8.00 AM, you will be able to try again at 1.00 pm by telephone only.

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Privacy Policy


The Data Protection Regulations in the UK include two key pieces of law:

  • The Data Protection Act 2018
  • The UK GDPR which was adapted from the EU version at Brexit and now applies to processing for people based in the UK

There are other regulations in specific areas which need to be taken into account. This Privacy Notice has been written within the legislative framework as at October 2021. It will be revised as the framework and case law change. This notice was last updated October 2021.

What is this Privacy Notice about?

This Privacy Notice is part of the information to data subjects about how personal data is used. Being transparent and providing accessible information to individuals about how organisations will use their personal information is a key element of Data Protection Regulations. 

This Privacy Notice is part of our programme to make the data processing activities we are carrying out in order to meet our healthcare obligations transparent.

The Privacy Noticetells you about information we collect and hold about you, the legal basis for collecting and holding the information, what we do with it, how we keep it secure (confidential), who we might share it with and what your rights are in relation to your information.

Who we are

Langstone Way Surgery is a GP surgery providing health care and services to local patients.

Types of information we use

We use the following types of information/data:

  • Personal data or sensitive personal/special categories of personal data such as:
  • demographics – name, address, date of birth, postcode, NHS number
  • racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, medical/health data, sexual life or sexual orientation data.
  • Pseudonymised - about individuals but with identifying details (such as name or NHS number) replaced with a unique code.
  • Anonymised - about individuals but with identifying details removed.
  • Aggregated - anonymised information grouped together so that it doesn't identify individuals.

What we use your personal data and special categories of personal data (known as or sensitive personal) for

We use and share information about you in a number of ways. These include:

Primary uses - information from your GP medical record which can be made available to other NHS and public sector organisations, including doctors, nurses and care professionals in order to help them make the best informed decision, and provide you with the best possible direct care delivery. 

Secondary uses - information from your GP medical record involves extracting identifiable data and (usually) sharing that data with other NHS organisations, for the purpose of indirect care. Examples include using your information for research, auditing, and healthcare planning (population health management).

A national opt-out for some secondary uses exists for your data – please see section 15 below.

Please read the entire Privacy Notice here.